The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
Forthcoming Academic Programs
(August– October, 2013)
To apply, please click HERE -

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS) is the world’s first center, dedicated to the study of Cultural Diplomacy, offering educational opportunitiesfor individuals pursuing careers in academia, diplomacy, government, and/or the private sector, related either wholly or in part to the field of Cultural Diplomacy. Our education programs are provided along 5 lines: Graduate Degree Programs in Cultural Diplomacy – MA and PhD, Online MA program, e-learning courses with certificates (designed specifically for governmental officials, academics, and professionals who are not able to leave their current positions), Certificate Programs and Study Abroad Credit Programs, dedicated either wholly or in part to the field of Cultural Diplomacy.

The CCDS is currently accepting applications for the following programs:

Online MA Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
The Degree is offered by The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy.
(Berlin; Start: Fall Semester - Berlin, October 2nd, 2013)

One year MA Program in Global Governance& Cultural Diplomacy
The Degree is offered by the University of Siena in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; Start: Fall Semester - Berlin, October 2nd, 2013)

MA Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
The Degree is offered by the Babes-Bolyai University in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; Start: Fall Semester - Berlin, October 2nd, 2013)

MA Program in Globalization & Cultural Diplomacy
The Degree is offered by the University of Bucharest in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; Start: Fall Semester - Berlin, October 2nd, 2013)

MA Program in International Economics & Cultural Diplomacy
The Degree is offered by the Babes-Bolyai University in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; Start: Fall Semester - Berlin, October 2nd, 2013)

Distance Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
International Relations, International Economics, the Transatlantic Relation, International Media, European Studies
(Start: August 5th - 30th, September 2nd - 30th, 2013)

Professional Development Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
Certificate Programs in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin, August 1st - 30th, 2013; Berlin,September 2nd - 27th, 2013)

Professional Development Program inCultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation
Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation
(Berlin; August 18th - 30th, 2013; Berlin; September 16th - 27th, 2013)

Professional Development for Africans Planning to Work in and Engage with Europe
Certificate Program for African Engagement in Europe & the EU
(Berlin; August 18th - 30th, 2013; Berlin; September 16th - 27th, 2013)

Weeklong Seminar in Cultural Diplomacy
The August Session, The October Session) 
(Berlin; August 14th - 18th, 2013; Berlin, October 14th - 18th, 2013)
To apply, please click HERE -