The MA Program in Analytic Philosophy with a Concentration in Cultural Diplomacy is offered by the University of Bucharest in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy.
(Berlin; Program Start for Summer Semester: June 2nd, 2014
Berlin; Program Start for Fall Semester: October 1st, 2014)
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Program Curriculum
The program curriculum consists of a total of 4 semesters. The first semester of the program takes place in Berlin at the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy and the remaining 3 semesters take place Bucharest at the University of Bucharest. The degree consists of 120 ECTS credits and provides students with an expertise in analytic philosophy and cultural diplomacy, preparing them for careers in the field of the humanities, academia, politics, international relations and beyond.
In the academic framework of the curriculum of the studies in philosophy, a special emphasis is given to cultural diplomacy and its contemporary application in the public sector, private sector and civil society. Parallel to the studies, students participate in the professional development program of the ICD in order to gain professional experience, relationships and contacts, and to develop their careers simultaneously to the MA.
Benefits of the Program
The program is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in Philosophy and Cultural Diplomacy, using a historical and case study approach. The curriculum offers an in-depth perspective over the contemporary issues and topics in the field of analytic philosophy, including the following: epistemology, philosophic logics, the philosophy of language, and the philosophy of mind. The program consists of classroom seminars supplemented by lectures at the university as well as: briefings and visits to at international and non-governmental organizations, educational events, conferences, tours, and meetings with foreign officials, which are further incorporated into the curriculum.
Students will meet with leading experts working in international organizations, governments, embassies, and academic institutions, and will engage with specialists in the areas of Philosophy, Politics, International Relations, Human Rights, Culture, Peace Building, Multilateral Diplomacy, Conflict Resolution, Development, and Economics.
The program provides students with theoretical and practical experience for both academic and professional development. It allows students to create a solid professional network and form a concrete foundation for many future academic and professional career choices.
On a practical level, the program prepares students for engagement in philosophy, the humanities, academia, the international arena, civil society, politics, governmental organizations and international economic organizations.
The general structure of the program is available below:
Semester 1 (30 Credits)
(Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies; Berlin, Germany)
The priority of the curriculum for the first semester is to provide students with a comprehensive foundation and understanding of the history of Cultural Diplomacy, the contemporary practice of Cultural Diplomacy and the future applications of Cultural Diplomacy.
Mandatory Courses for Semester One are:
• The History and Evolution of the Field of Cultural Diplomacy
• International Case Studies of Cultural Diplomacy
• Future Trends in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
• Elective Courses for Semester One (two of which each student must select), include:
• Nation Branding and Unilateral Cultural Diplomacy
• Contemporary German Foreign Policy
• International Organizations
• European Politics
• Professional Development
• (Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies; Berlin, Germany)
During the first semester and parallel to the four semesters of studies, students will undertake a professional development and training program at the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies, through which each student will be able to apply in practice what they learned in theory in the first semester. The professional development will provide students with valuable professional experience and contacts in the fields that they plan to work in after the MA and can greatly improve students' chances of acquiring their preferred career.
Semester 2 (30 Credits)
(University of Bucharest; Bucharest, Romania)
During Semester two, students will begin their coursework in Analytic Philosophy and take the courses listed below.
Mandatory Courses for Semester Two include:
• The Origins of Analytic Philosophy
• Philosophical Logic
• Ontology
Semester 3 (30 Credits)
(University of Bucharest; Bucharest, Romania)
During three three Students will continue their coursework in Analytic Philosophy and take the courses listed below.
Mandatory Courses for Semester three are:
• Epistemology
• The Philosophy of Mind
• Philosophy of Language
• Semester 4 (30 Credits)
• (University of Bucharest; Bucharest, Romania)
Following three semesters of academic study, students will be qualified to write an in-depth analysis, in the form of a final thesis, on a topic of their choice related to the theme of the program. In addition to writing the Master's dissertation, students will be required to take two courses, one "The Disseration Seminar," which will guide them in the completion of their thesis.
Mandatory Courses for Semester Four are:
• Metaethics
• The Dissertation Seminar
Scholarships, equaling up to 10% deduction of tuition costs are available for students based on educational excellence and/ or financial need. Although each scholarship request will be evaluated on an individual basis, students are expected to have an above-average grade point of 4.5 (of 5.0) in order to qualify for a grant. The Financial Aid application is a two-step process; Students interested in applying for a scholarship are required to submit their initial aid application request as soon as they have formally applied to the program, completed the first step of the application, and have been accepted into the program. Scholarships are then determined for the second and 4th semesters.
Dates & Deadlines:
The next programs for 2014 will take place in the following locations and dates:
• The first semester will take place in Berlin between the dates of June 2nd - July 31st, 2014
• The second semester will take place in Bucharest between the dates of October01st, 2014 - December 19th, 2014
• The third & the forth semester will take place in Bucharest between the dates of February 16th - May 8th, 2015
* Parallel to the studies, students participate in the professional development program of the ICD
Summer Semester
Program Start: June 2nd, 2014
Admissions Dates
The deadline for admissions is April 15th, 2014. Students who have submitted their applications in full by April 15th, 2014 will be eligible for an interview. Applicants will be notified of the admission committee's decision within a period of 7 days following the interview.
* Current undergraduate students (who are due to graduate in the summer of 2014) are able to submit an application and participate in the pre-enrolment process, by submitting a confirmation of their current studies and their transcripts.
Enrollment Day
The semester will start on June 2nd, 2014 (Enrolment day) and will end on July 31st, 2014. Lectures begin on June 3rd, 2014
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